How to synchronize personal address books via GWCHECK

(Last modified: 06Feb2003)

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How to synchronize personal address books via GWCHECK


Novell Groupwise 5.5

GroupWise Support Pack 2


Error:  "D101"


Mail sent to moved users returned as undeliverable.

Error email returned to sender.


Moved a user to a new PO.


Frequent Contacts lists and Personal Address Books have not been updated to reflect the User's new  post office


Create an empty file called pabonly.ngw in the directory where GWCHK32.EXE is located and run a Contents check on the user.  Note: The Nightly User Upkeep (NUU) process of the POA will perform this function if it is enabled.  Only use GWCHECK if NUU is disabled or the address books need to be fixed before NUU runs overnight.


Document Title: How to synchronize personal address books via GWCHECK
Document ID: 10014749
Solution ID: 4.0.29953885.2284303
Creation Date: 20Aug1999
Modified Date: 06Feb2003
Novell Product Class:Groupware


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